About NWSO
In the 21st century, the NWSO continues our dependable musical traditions for the residents of the Lower Mainland. Our policy of "admission by donation" ensures that everyone who enjoys good classical music can attend our concerts.The NWSO takes pride in the cultural, ethnic and age diversity of our orchestra members. Our current playing members and auxiliary volunteers range from their teens to 70+ years, with an equal balance of male and female members. The NWSO is home to dedicated musicians from all backgrounds and training, providing them with an opportunity to perform with a professionally-directed symphony orchestra.The NWSO offers an educational program for students and young fans of music. The NWSO and the Douglas College Music Department are proud to include talented music students in the NWSO as part of their education. Student musicians take the ensemble course and receive an assessment towards their course credit.
Each season runs from September to May, and rehearsals take place every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in New Westminster. The NWSO welcomes new playing members, subject to space availability in each section of the Orchestra. An informal audition may be requested, and applicants should be capable of performance at the RCM Grade 7/8 level. A waiting list of qualified musicians may be established. Our rehearsals are at New Westminster Secondary School (Band Room), 820 Sixth St, New Westminster, BC. Our concerts, unless otherwise specified, are at Queens Avenue United Church in New Westminster, BC. The address is 529 Queens Ave, New Westminster, BC.
A list of upcoming concerts can be found here.
A list of orchestra members can be found at this link.